In other words, 15 to 20% of sows have weakness in their legs. That said, Agriclé has developed the Split Saver® mat to prevent sows from crushing in crates.
Equipping your farm with cow mats is a significant investment and you want the best products in terms of comfort and durability to provide welfare to your animals.
Even if we live in a seasonal country, we need to think that summer can create a huge heat stress in calves, especially with the strong heat we know. It is really important not ot neglect them. Here's...
You need to know that when an animal goes to the brush, it does it to massage itself or to get rid of insects (flies, lice and other mosquitos). Depending the type of the brush, benefits are different...
A pig farm requires a lot of attention when cleaning. One of the ways to facilitate hygiene and environmental health is the choice of interior liner panels.